I've been in the Seafood business for 25 years. First at the Pike Place Market and for the past 7 years on my own at Ohana Seafood. By far this is the best form of advertising that I have ever done. My coupon has gotton overwhelming redemption. Thank you Coupon Butler for making my ad a success!
Coupon Butler is bringing in TWICE the business of two other direct mail formats we are currently doing. Even though Coupon Butler is mailed quarterly, we see new and return customers EVERYDAY because of your ads . . . redemption continues throughout the quarter until the next mailing goes out! Our Coupon Butler ads are drawing a better clientele as each transaction price is higher than we have seen with other programs. We are thoroughly pleased with the response and the excellent after the sale service Coupon Butler has provided over the past year . . . We look forward to advertising in multiple regions with you in the near future.
I am pleased with the results Coupon Butler has delivered. The response was twice that of an envelope program. We are impressed with the class of customer coming in to our Hair Salon for the first time from Coupon Butler. Once a new customer comes to us, it is our job to give them excellent service which will keep them coming back. Coupon Butler gets them in the door!
Coupon Butler has generated by far the best Return On Investment over any type of coupon we have used! We continue to see excellent response with each mailing. The colors of the ads and quality of the book get the attention of the buying public.
As head a local business association, I am solicited by a lot of advertising companies. When I looked at Coupon Butler, what impressed me was the quality of local businesses advertising in the publication. I was skeptical at first . . . but on my first mailing I am receiving up to 7 coupons per day! I see coupons redeemed in my business every day!
You can’t get better mailing coverage for your advertising dollar!
We have cancelled other direct mail programs to mail exclusively with Coupon Butler. The response from Coupon Butler is better than other programs combined.
We are in every publication Coupon Butler currently mails and have committed to all future expansion areas. The response is always excellent and the company is great to work with!
Coupon Butler was a great help in taking my business to the next level. Several people that responded to the coupon in the booklet had called over a month after they received the book. They seem to hang onto it for awhile, instead of going through it quickly and then tossing it.
I am so annoyed . . . I have intentionally removed myself from almost every mailing list. Mailings I receive are from companies and products outside of where I live and shop . . . I am calling to tell you what I think of Coupon Butler. Keep me on your list! I look forward to its arrival in the mail! Your design and layout is First Class! You have such a great variety of local advertisers with products & services I want and can actually use in my neighborhood! Keep it up!
I am NOT KIDDING! . . . I truly look forward to the arrival of Coupon Butler in my mail box! We dine out a lot! The restaurant ads give us the incentive to try different types of cuisines we may not have thought about in our daily routine. We also use the Video and Automotive coupons religiously.
Just letting you know that we like receiving Coupon Butler at our house. We keep it with us when we are out shopping and enjoy the savings . . . Keep up the good work!
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Phone 206-817-2855 or FAX 425-868-7447