We know what you're looking for - a cost effective way to reach your Target Audience. For over 25 years we've provided compelling advertising that contains the kinds of products and services consumers value - so much so that they use these coupons months after initial publication. We offer two marketing options:
- The Butler at Home - 50,000 editions target upscale home owners at strategic buying times of the year.
- View a map of our mailing areas for the Butler at Home
Powerful Marketing! - an extraordinary tool pinpointing your audience to get immediate and long term response.
Longevity! - our booklets' format creates a long shelf life with increased readership. Your business is remembered because consumers keep the book for repeated reference and redemption.
Individual Attention! - each ad page is devoted to your business. Your ad won't get tossed from an envelope, lost in news articles or editorials and numerous ads found in newspapers and magazines.
It's Economical! - costs are as low as 2.3 cents per home! Printing your own business card probably costs more!
Measurable Results! - you can measure response by increased traffic and the number of new customers you gain by the number of offers redeemed . . . count your coupons, count your dollars.
Customer Loyalty! - research proves that keeping in contact with your existing customers will significantly increase the chances they will return to you and NOT go to your competition.
Graphics! - we custom design your ad layout to fit your business image and assure high quality production.
Contact Us: Phone - 206.817.2855, Fax - 425.868.7447, Email - advertise@butlerpresents.com, Address - 12414 NE 235th Pl, Redmond, WA 98053